Gallery opening hours


Why not drop by for a visit? It would be my pleasure to show you around his Gallery. The Gallery can be open for you:

Monday to Friday – 10.00am to 8pm

Saturday & Sunday- 10.00am to 8pm


I paint most days, so Please ring ahead.

Special opening on Bank holidays, please ring ahead for details on 01189625656

Where to find us:

Howard Birchmore

238 Overdown Road

Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire

RG31 6PN

Phone: 01189 6256

Mobile:  07909 097 444


mobile prefered.



Or use our contact form.

Please come and see for yourself!!

Shows include-


2022 Exhibitions being arranged.



Why not visit the Gallery in Tilehurst to view the Artwork.



Open every day, just call first please.


We can deliver locally or arrange shipment World wide




Please click on images for enlargement , price, size etc.


Seascapes, waves, surf, surfing.